Our out of school club has its own airconditioned large room to cater for children 4-11 years. Our team of qualified staff ensure that children understand rules and boundaries and work closely with the children to ensure they understand safety rules. We provide a range of activities and staff are experienced at caring for the diverse age range. Our breakfast and afterschool club only operates to/from Chuter Ede Primary School - Fernwood site on foot.
Breakfast club starts at either 730 or 745. Breakfast is available between 730-810am. At breakfast club children arrive, have cereal for breakfast and then engage in age related play opportunities until we get ready for school at 810. We then begin the walk to school at 815/820am. Children are then taken to their class rooms to begin their day at school.
Children are collected from school and walked back to the club. Children may sometimes go and play on the field with the staff (weather permitting) or in the nursery garden. Children have a light tea at 4pm and sessions end at either 5 or 6pm. A range of activities are provided and supported by our amazing team.